Face Wash or Face Scrub First

Face Wash or Face Scrub First? The Better Way to Cleanse

We’ve all been there – staring at our lineup of cleansing products and wondering which order to apply them in. Should you start with your regular daily face wash to remove surface dirt and makeup? Or should you kick things off with an invigorating face scrub to really deep clean your pores? The great face wash vs face scrub debate rages on. Let’s settle this once and for all and establish the best cleansing method.

The Case for Face Wash First

In this approach, you’ll begin your routine by massaging your go-to daily face wash over dry skin using your fingertips. This initial step helps dissolve and remove things like:

  • • Makeup
    • Sunscreen
    • Excess oil and sebum
    • Dirt and impurities
    • Environmental pollutants

The idea is to first clear away that initial layer of surface grime using your regular rinse-off cleanser before advancing to deeper cleansing methods. Proponents of this technique argue it prevents you from just moving makeup and debris around while scrubbing.

After rinsing away the face wash, you’d then follow up by applying your face scrub to the freshly cleansed skin. This ensures the exfoliating product can work effectively at sloughing off dead skin cells and purifying pores without being bogged down by makeup residue.

Face Wash or Face Scrub First

Or Should Face Scrub Come First?

On the flip side, some prefer to kick off their cleansing routine with that face scrub as the first step. Fans of this method claim physically exfoliating first helps loosen and dislodge every last bit of makeup, oil, and congestion from deep within pores.

By using your facial scrub first, you create a very mild abrasive surface on your skin. Each subsequent step – face wash, toner, etc – is then able to penetrate even better into those freshly unclogged pores. Essentially, you use the scrub to help “prep” skin and create a pristine base for further cleansing.

Those who prefer scrubbing first also feel it allows the exfoliating granules or beads to work most effectively before any product dilution from rinsing occurs. You get maximum sloughing power!

The Winning Two-Step Method

After weighing both schools of thought, there is a definitive two-step order that makes the most sense:

Step 1: Face Wash
Step 2: Face Scrub

Here’s the rationale – beginning with your daily rinse-off face wash allows you to quickly dissolve and whisk away the day’s grime, oil, and product buildup first. Think of it as creating a blank canvas to work with.

From there, following with your face scrub provides a deeper, pore-purifying clean to remove any stubborn traces of debris left behind. The scrub won’t be muddied or diluted by remnant makeup or sunscreen either.

This logical sequence allows both products to perform their core functions most effectively without counteracting each other. You get maximum cleansing and exfoliating power!

Face Wash or Face Scrub First

Tips for Smart Scrubbing

While face scrubs can be excellent skin-refining tools, they aren’t meant for daily use. Most experts recommend limiting face scrubbing to just 1-3 times per week at most to avoid over-exfoliating.

When you do use a facial scrub, be sure to take a gentle approach:

  • • Use lukewarm water to open pores
    • Take time to massage the scrub in with your fingertips using light pressure
    • Focus on areas prone to congestion like nose, chin, and forehead
    • Rinse thoroughly with cool water to close pores back up
    • Always moisturize after to replenish lost hydration

Remember, over-scrubbing and using excessive pressure can easily damage your skin’s moisture barrier. Moderation and a soft touch are key!

For Your Specific Skin Type

While the face wash first, face scrub second order is ideal for most, those with sensitive or extremely dry complexions may want to modify their approach.

If you fall into those camps, consider using your facial scrub first on dry skin. This capitalizes on maximum abrasive power before rinsing. Follow with a creamy, nourishing face wash second to replenish any moisture lost.

Those with oily or acne-prone skin can likely handle the double-whammy of face wash followed by face scrub with no issue. In fact, that one-two punch maximizes your pore-clearing efforts.

No matter which specific technique you choose, the overarching goal should be to thoroughly cleanse and exfoliate while still treating your complexion gently. With the right product lineup and order, you’ll uncover smoother, more radiant skin with each cleanse!

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